Goals/Benefits Time/Structure Sample Lessons Routines Texts Assessment


Facilitator Notes


How and why are mini-lessons used in Independent Reading?

A mini-lesson at the beginning of Independent Reading is “a time to learn something specific about reading.” Morgan et al., p. 17.  This short (5-15 minute) dose of explicit instruction helps children practice applying appropriate strategies to books they enjoy when they go off to read.  Mini-lessons often focus on procedures (e.g., how to stay engaged, choose books, talk about their books), emergent literacy strategies (e.g., tracking print, using meaning, structure, and visual cues), or comprehension strategies (e.g., using text features, inferring, asking questions).   See Sample Lessons for video clips of mini-lessons.


Linda B. Gambrell

Video: Teacher Commentary,


  Irby DuBose, Kindergarten