Instructional Decision-Making Before Reading During/After Reading Letter/Word Work Reading/Writing Connections

Facilitator Notes

When teachers and students plan the message that the children will write together, the teacher still plays the leading role in ensuring that the story provides opportunities to work on appropriate skills and strategies.  When children use their own language to express ideas, they often understand more easily, and their motivation and enjoyment of writing are stimulated.  Comprehension can be developed through capturing a summary of the story or important details or lessons through the writing.

Emily Garrett introduces the summarizing strategy of “Somebody-Wanted-But-So” to this guided reading group at text level 4 through negotiating the story in the guided writing portion of her lesson.


How does guided writing with a co-constructed story support struggling readers and writers at emergent text levels?

What are the benefits of negotiating a co-constructed story with struggling readers and writers in early text levels?

What insights can we gain to maximize the effect of guided writing with struggling readers and writers?



How does guided writing with a co-constructed story support struggling readers and writers at emergent text levels?

Supporting Documents: Text transcript of Kitty Cat and the Bird,  Student writing journal pages for Kitty Cat and the Bird

How and why does the teacher negotiate the story with the students?

Video: Negotiating the Co-Constructed Story, Level 4;

First Grade, Emily Garrett

What strategies does the teacher teach the children to support their writing?  How does their reading also benefit?

Video: Teaching Strategies in Writing 1; Transcript,
Commentary on the Lesson 1Transcript
First Grade, Emily Garrett



What are the benefits of negotiating a co-constructed story with struggling readers and writers in early text levels?

Supporting Documents: Student writing journal pages for Ben’s Tooth and A Bad Day for Little Dinosaur 



What additional insights can we gain to maximize the effect of guided writing with struggling readers and writers?

Supporting Documents: Student journal writing pages for Baby Tadpole, Where Are You Going, Aja Rose, and Mrs. Spider’s Beautiful Web

Video: Letter Boxes; Transcript,
First Grade, CC Bates