Instructional Decision-Making Before Reading During/After Reading Letter/Word Work Reading/Writing Connections

Facilitator Notes

How do we support struggling readers in developing fluency during and after reading?

 Supporting Documents:  Text transcripts of Mrs. Spider’s Beautiful Web and The Fox Who Foxed


Video: Fluency and High Frequency Words (Level 10); Transcript
Maryann McBride, CC Bates, First Grade

Fluency and Meaning (Level 13); Transcript
Maryann McBride, First Grade

Video: Punctuation and Phrasing (Level 3)Transcript,
Maryann McBride, Emily Garrett, First Grade

Intonation and Phrasing (Level 15); Transcript
Maryann McBride, First Grade

Video: Print Features; Transcript,
Emily Garrett, First Grade

Video: Fluency and Familiar Reading; Transcript,
Elizabeth Arnold, Second Grade