The Clemson Virtual Professional Development Library (VPDL) for South Carolina Classroom Teachers was designed to support Professional Learning Communities (PDL). As we know, powerful learning can occur when we view teaching and student learning and analyze it together with colleagues. For this reason, suggestions for how to lead a professional development based on each module are provided. The suggestions are broken up into preparing for the session, activities to do before watching the videos with a PLC, activities to do during the viewing of the videos, and activities to do following watching the video links. These ideas are simply suggestions. We know the best ideas will come from you, the teachers in the field.
Preparing for the session:
- View all the clips from the MWTP module.
- Read through the “Question(s) to Consider” and consider your answers before watching the clips.
- View all the video clips. After viewing each clip, decide on your own responses, and anticipate other possible responses from colleagues. Then, review the suggested responses in the “Facilitator Notes.” These are hyperlinked to the questions. Think about additions or clarifications that would be appropriate depending on the needs of teachers. Please note that the responses given are suggestions only. In many cases, the questions and ideas from the participants or your own insights as you view the segments will shape the most meaningful discussion relevant to the issues confronting your particular group.
Before viewing the video clips:
- Ask participants if they use a mid-workshop teaching point (MWTP) in their workshops each day. Why or why not?
- Do they think this portion of the workshop is helpful? Why or why not?
During the session:
- Watch all the video clips in the module.
- After viewing all the clips, discuss the guiding question with the group.
Question to consider and discuss during the session:
- How does the mid-workshop teaching point help students with writing?
- The mid-workshop teaching point (MWTP) is helpful because it motivates students to continue writing. After working for a while (15-20 minutes) students’ energy for the writing may start to diminish. When the teacher pauses for a moment and briefly instructs the class or provides a quick tip, this moment of instruction motivates students to continue working for the rest of the workshop.
- The teacher most often uses the MWTP as an opportunity to spotlight clever student work. A quick teaching point from a peer is always helpful.
After the session:
- Ask participants to discuss how they feel about the MWTP after viewing the videos. Will this become part of their daily work? Why or why not?