Instructional Decision-Making Before Reading During/After Reading Letter/Word Work Reading/Writing Connections

Facilitator Notes

How does alphabet tracing help children having difficulty learning letters?

How do we scaffold letter and sound activities to support our earliest readers in guided reading?


How does alphabet tracing help children having difficulty learning letters?

When children know fewer than forty letters, Richardson (2016) suggests the effectiveness of tracing the alphabet with them every day. Classroom teachers and interventionists at Springfield Elementary School collaborate to successfully implement this approach.

Alphabet tracing is done one on one with the classroom teacher, assistant, interventionist or other trained personnel.  We have included it in this section because of its usefulness in preparing children with limited letter knowledge for guided reading.

Supporting Document: Sample Alphabet Chart and Cards

letter card

Video: Alphabet Tracing 1; Transcript,
Katie Babb, Kindergarten

Video: Alphabet Tracing 2; Transcript,
Katie Babb, Kindergarten


How do we scaffold letter and sound activities to support our earliest readers in guided reading?

In the beginning stages of letter work, we focus on forming and recognizing letters, phonological awareness, and linking letters with sounds. Children’s names provide a natural starting place for games and other activities to support developing these skills. Beyond recognizing and forming letters, children need to learn to quickly distinguish between letters that are visually similar.  As shown in the “Distinguishing Letters Quickly” video clip, we may need to continue working on rapid letter recognition with struggling readers long after they initially learn the alphabet.


Video: Letters in Names; Transcript
Emily Garrett, Kindergarten

rainbow writing

Video: Rainbow Writing Names; Transcript
Tracie McGovern, Kindergarten

Video: Letter Formation; Transcript
Tracie McGovern, Kindergarten

Video: Alphabet Charts;
Emily Garrett, Kindergarten

Video: Distinguishing Letters Quickly;
Transcript; First Grade
Andrea Overton and CC Bates



Video: Letters and Sounds; Transcript
Tracie McGovern, Kindergarten

Video: Phonological Awareness; Transcript
Emily Garrett and Tracie McGovern